The CalCell ObjectObject that holds all data and code related to a calendar cell ConstructorCalCell(owner,tableCell,dateObj,row,week)The CalCell object's constructor. This function runs when a new instance of CalCell is created (i.e. cell = new CalCell(...)). Arguments
Return Values(none)Public PropertiescellClassstring CalCell::CellClass Contains the current CSS class of the cell. tableRowint CalCell::tableRow Contains the row index (0-4) of this cell's parent table row. tableCellHTMLTableCell CalCell::tableCell Pointer to the table cell DOM element for this object instance. dateDate CalCell::date The JavaScript Date object associated with this calendar cell. dayOfWeekint {0-6} CallCell::dayOfWeek The day of the week (0:Sunday to 6:Saturday) for this cell. weekint CalCell::week The week number of the cell. Private PropertiesselfCallCell CallCell::this Pointer to the this construct of this object instance – used to work around varying meanings of this in different variable scopes in JavaScript. self behaves exactly the same as this would in other object-oriented languages such as C++ and PHP, and the two should be considered equivalent. Public MethodssetClass()Sets the CSS class of the cell based on this instance's property values. Arguments(none)Return Values(none)setTitle(titleStr)Sets the title (i.e. tooltip) that appears when a user holds their mouse cursor over a cell. Arguments
Return Values(none)setURL(href, type)Sets the URL for the current calendar cell. Arguments
Return Values(none)UsagesetURL() can be configured to create either a standard URL (activated if the user clicks the date), or as a JavaScript URL (activated if the user clicks any part of the cell). Use the type argument to specify which type of URL to use (default is standard URL). Hint: using Epoch Prime as a navigation tool can make navigating your site easier for your visitors – however, search engine robots will not be able to crawl links embedded in the calendar. We recommend offering standard HTML links as an alternative. setHTML(html)Sets the internal html of the cell, using a string containing html markup. Arguments
Return Values(none)Private MethodscalCellonclick()This function is called when the user clicks on this calendar cell. Any custom code that you want to run on click should go in this function code block. Arguments(none)Return Values(none)calCellonmouseover()Replicate the CSS:hover effect for non-supporting browsers – workaround for Internet Explorer's poor CSS:hover implementation. Arguments(none)Return Values(none)calCellonmouseout()Replicate the CSS:hover effect for non-supporting browsers – workaround for Internet Explorer's poor CSS:hover implementation. Arguments(none)Return Values(none) |